
Our doctors

Igor Ssolomatin
Professor Igor Solomatin
Eye doctor. Graduated from Riga medical institute, continued scientific education in Ukraine and received medical doctor degree in Helmholz institute (Moscow, Russia).
Aida Macievskaja
Dr. Aida Macievskaja
Pediadric ophthalmologist.
Graduated from Latvian medical academy. Systematically participates in courses and master classes dedicated paediatrics ophthalmology, strabology, retina diseases and laser treatment.
Dr. Galina Zhabina
More then 25 years in ophthalmology. Member of Latvian eye doctors association. From 2007. Is a member of prof.
Jana Gertnere
Dr Jana Gertnere
Laser surgeon
Member of prof. Solomatin’s team from 1999. Specialist in refractive pathology. Performed more then 10 000 laser eye surgeries.
Muza Petuhova
Dr. Muza Petuhova
Graduated from Leningrad medical institute. Leading specialist in glaucoma. Many years holded a chief-ophthalmologist position of Latvia.
Irina Repina
Dr. Irina Repina
Retina pathology
Specialist in retina pathology. Graduated from Riga medical institute in 1975. Continued education in Helmholz eye institute, S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution.